- A: Hi, I'm here to check in for my flight to Ireland. 嗨,我想辦理飛往愛爾蘭航班的手續。
- B: Sure, may I have your passport, please? 當然,可以給我你的護照嗎?
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
check in |
報到 |
flight |
航班 |
passport |
機票 |
- A: Hi, I'd like to check in for my flight to Ireland and drop off my checked baggage. 嗨,我想要辦理去愛爾蘭的登機手續,並托運我的行李。
- B: Sure, could you place your bag on the scale to check its weight, please?
- 當然,可以請你把行李放在秤上,讓我們量一下重量嗎?
- A: Of course. 好的
- B: Great, it's within the weight limit. I'll attach the baggage tag for you. Also, do you have any dangerous items in your bag? 好的,符合重量限制,我會幫你貼上行李標籤。另外,請確認你的行李裡是否有這些危險物品?
- A: No, there are no dangerous items in my bag. 沒有,我的行李裡沒有危險物品。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
checked baggage |
托運行李 |
weight limit |
重量限制 |
scale |
磅秤 |
dangerous items |
危險物品 |
- Customs Officer: Good morning, may I see your passport and visa, please? 早安,請出示您的護照與簽證。
- Traveler: Here is my passport, and here is my visa for studying in Ireland. 這是我的護照,這是我在愛爾蘭留學的簽證。
- Customs Officer: How long will you be staying in Ireland? 你會在愛爾蘭停留多久?
- Traveler: I'll be studying there for one year. 我會在這裡留學一年。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
customs officer |
海關人員 |
visa |
簽證 |
stay |
停留 |
study abroad |
留學 |
- A: Hi, I'd like to make a reservation for two at your restaurant for tonight at 7 p.m., please. 嗨,我想預訂今晚7點兩個人的座位,可以嗎?
- B: Of course, may I have your name, please? 當然可以,請問您的名字是?
- A: It's Sarah. 我叫Sarah。
- B: Great, your table for two at 7 p.m. tonight is booked under the name Sarah. 好的,今晚7點兩個人的桌位已經以Sarah的名字預訂了。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
reservation |
訂位 |
table |
桌位 |
booked |
預訂 |
- A: Good evening, may I see the menu, please? 晚上好,可以給我看一下菜單嗎?
- B: Of course, here is the menu. Are you ready to order? 當然,這是菜單。您準備好點餐了嗎?
- A: Yes, we'll start with the soup of the day and then I'll have the grilled salmon, please. 是的,我們先來一份今日湯品,然後我要一份烤鮭魚。
- B: And for you, sir? 先生,您要點什麼?
- C: I'll have the Caesar salad and the steak, medium-rare, please. 我要一份凱撒沙拉和一份五分熟的牛排。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
menu |
菜單 |
order |
點餐 |
grilled salmon |
烤鮭魚 |
caesar salad |
凱薩沙拉 |
steak |
牛排 |
medium-rare |
五分熟 |
- A: Good afternoon, I'd like to make a reservation for a room from the 15th to the 20th of this month, please. 早安,我想預訂本月15日到20日的一間房間。
- B: Sure, may I have your name and contact information, please? 好的,請問您的名字和聯絡方式?
- A: My name is John, and here's my phone number. 我叫John,這是我的電話號碼。
- B: Thank you, Mr. John. Your reservation for those dates has been confirmed. 謝謝您,您在那段時間的預訂已確認。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
room |
房間 |
contact information |
聯絡方式 |
confirmed |
確認 |
- A: Good evening, I have a reservation under the name John, and I want to check in now. 晚上好,我有一個以John名字預訂的房間,我現在要辦理入住。
- B: Yes, Mr. John. Could you please fill out this registration form? 是的,John先生。請您填寫這份登記表好嗎?
- A: Here you go. (填寫後)好了,給你。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
check-in |
入住 |
reservation |
預訂 |
registration form |
住房登記表 |
- A: Good morning, I'd like to check out, please. 早安,我要辦理退房。
- B: Did you enjoy your stay, Mr. John? 先生早安,您的住宿還滿意嗎?
- A: Yes, everything was great, thank you. 是的,一切都很好,謝謝。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
check out |
退房 |
enjoy |
享受 |
- A: Excuse me, could you provide more information about this product? 不好意思,請問能提供這款產品的詳細資訊嗎?
- B: Certainly, this item is our bestseller. It features... 當然,這是我們的熱銷商品,它的特色包括...
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
product |
產品 |
bestseller |
熱銷商品 |
features |
特色 |
- A: Are there any discounts available for travelers? 旅客有沒有可以獲得的折扣呢?
- B: Yes, we offer a 15% discount for international travelers upon showing their passports. 是的,我們為國際旅客提供15%的折扣,只需出示護照即可。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
discounts |
折扣 |
travelers |
旅客 |
international |
國際的 |
- A: I'd like to pay for these items, please. 我想結帳購買這些商品。
- B: Of course, would you prefer to pay in local currency or by credit card? 當然可以,您想要用當地貨幣結帳還是用信用卡支付呢?
- A: I'll pay by card, please. 我要刷卡。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
pay |
付款 |
local currency |
當地貨幣 |
credit card |
信用卡 |
- A: I'd like to apply for a tax refund for the items I purchased. 我想為我購買的商品申請退稅。
- B: Certainly, please fill out this tax refund form and present your receipts.好的,請填寫這份退稅表格,並出示您的收據。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
apply |
申請 |
tax refund |
退稅 |
purchased |
購買 |
receipts |
收據 |
- A: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest restroom is? 不好意思,你能告訴我最近的洗手間在哪裡嗎?
- B: Sure, you need to go straight down this street, then take the second left. 當然,你需要直走這條街,然後第二個路口左轉。
- A: Thank you. Is it in this block? 謝謝,是在這個街區嗎?
- B: No, it's in the next block. It's a white building on your left-hand side.不,是在下個街區,在你左手邊是一座白色的建築物。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
nearest |
最近的 |
go straight |
直走 |
turn right |
右轉 |
turn left |
左轉 |
block |
街區 |
- 如果有其他目擊者在場,可以試著尋求他們的幫助,像是提供線索、知道小偷往哪個方向跑等等。
- 到當地的警察局報案。
- 若是錢包被偷,請趕快打電話掛失所有證件與信用卡。
- A: Hello, I need to report a theft. 你好,我需要報案,我的東西被偷了。
- B: What was stolen, and where did it happen? 什麼東西被偷了,在哪裡發生的?
- A: My bag was stolen at the bus station on 5th Avenue. 我的包在第五大道的公車站被偷了。
- B: Please stay calm. I'll dispatch officers to your location right away. 請保持冷靜,我會立即派員前往你所在的位置。
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
report |
報案 |
theft |
偷竊 |
happen |
發生 |
stolen |
被偷 |
dispatch |
派遣 |
officers |
員警 |
location |
地點 |