相信很多人一定有聽過辦理入住英文,也就是check-in,中文有著「報到」的意思。當你來到飯店櫃檯前準備辦理入住,將會和櫃檯人員展開以下飯店check in入住英文對話:
- You: Hello, I have a reservation for tonight. 你好,我有今晚的訂房。
- Agent: Good evening! May I have your surname, please? 晚上好,請問您的訂房大名?
- You: My surname is Johnson. 我的名字是Johnson。
- Agent: Just a moment, let me check for your reservation. Yes, I found your booking. Could you provide an ID or passport, please? 請稍等,我查詢一下訂房紀錄。是的,我找到您的預定了,請問能提供身分證件或護照嗎?
- You: Sure, here is my passport. 好的,這是我的護照。
- Agent: Thank you. And how many nights will you be staying with us? 謝謝,請問這次預計要住幾晚?
- You: I'll be staying for two nights. 我預計要住兩晚。
- Agent: Alright. Here is your room key, located on the fifth floor. Breakfast is served from 7 am to 10 am. If you need any assistance or information, feel free to ask our concierge. 好的,這是您的房卡,房間位在五樓。早餐時間是早上七點到十點,如果您有需要任何幫助,歡迎隨時向櫃檯詢問。
英文 | 中文 |
restaurant | 餐廳 |
business center | 商務中心 |
bar | 酒吧 |
fitness center/gym | 健身房 |
swimming pool | 游泳池 |
spa | 水療中心 |
- You: Excuse me, could you tell me where the swimming pool is? 不好意思,請問游泳池在哪裡?
- Agent: The swimming pool is located on the ground floor, just past the fitness center. It's open from 6 am to 10 pm. 游泳池位在一樓,穿過健身房就可以看到,開放時間是早上6點到晚上10點。
- You: Thank you. How about the bar? Where can I find it and what are the opening hours? 謝謝,那酒吧的位置和開放時間呢?
- Agent: The bar is on the rooftop, on the sixth floor. It opens from 5 pm to midnight. 酒吧在飯店頂樓,也就是六樓,開放時間是下午5點到午夜。
英文 | 中文 |
towels | 毛巾 |
toothbrush | 牙刷 |
toothpaste | 牙膏 |
shampoo | 洗髮精 |
soap | 肥皂 |
pillow | 枕頭 |
bedsheet | 被單 |
- Excuse me, could I please have some extra towels? 不好意思,請問我可以再要一些毛巾嗎?
- I need a toothbrush and toothpaste, do you have any available? 我需要一支牙刷和牙膏,請問能提供嗎?
- Agent: Good morning! How can I assist you today? 早安,請問我可以幫助您什麼?
- You: Good morning! I have a reservation for two people, but we need to add one more guest to the room. 早安,我預定了雙人房,但是我們需要再加一位房客。
- Agent: Of course. May I have the name on the reservation and the additional guest's name, please? 好的,請問能提供預定姓名和額外顧客的名字嗎?
- You: The reservation is under the name "Smith," and the additional guest is "Emily". 訂房大名是Smith,額外入住旅客的名字是Emily。
- Agent: Thank you for the information. I've updated the reservation to accommodate three guests. Your room will be prepared accordingly. 感謝您提供資訊,我已經更新預定資料,並為您準備能容納三人的房間。
- Agent: Good afternoon! How can I assist you today? 午安,請問我可以幫助您什麼?
- You: Good afternoon! I have a reservation for tomorrow, but I'd like to check in earlier if possible. 午安!我有預訂明天的房間,但如果可以的話,我想提前辦理入住。
- Agent: Certainly, let me check our room availability for an early check-in. Could I have your name and reservation details, please? 好的,我查詢一下是否有可以提前入住的房間,請問您的預定大名是?
- You: The reservation is under "Kevin." 預定名字是Kevin。
- Agent: Thank you. After checking, we have a vacant room available for an early check-in. You can check-in one hour earlier. 謝謝您,經查詢我們有可以提前入住的空房,可以提前一個小時入住。
- Agent: Good morning! How was your stay with us? 早安,您在我們這裡住得還滿意嗎?
- You: Good morning! It was great, thank you. I'd like to check out now, please. 早安,非常愉快,謝謝,我現在要辦理退房手續。
- Agent: Of course, could I have your room number, please? 好的,請問您的房間號碼是?
- You: I stayed in room 503. 我住在503號房。
- Agent: Thank you. Did you use any items from the minibar or require any additional services during your stay? 謝謝,請問您在入住期間有使用冰箱內的食物或額外服務嗎?
- You: No. 沒有
- Agent: Great. Your bill is all settled, and here is your receipt. We hope to see you again soon. Have a safe journey! 好的,您的帳單已結清,這是您的收據。希望很快能再見到您,祝您旅途平安!
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